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What’s On and the Garden Rambles The What’s On and Garden Rambles areas of this web site will give you the best opportunity to find out what is happening in the gardening world and what places you can visit. and what YOU can do. 
Gardeners' Gazette All RHSV members receive a copy of the RHSV quarterly magazine. This will be posted to the address provided on the membership application form. Please visit the Gardeners' Gazette web page for more information
Gardener's Day Out The RHSV Gardener's Day Out is held in June each year. Fantastic Guest speaker(s), Special Plant Vendors and a great venue and an even better and bigger ambiance and verve makes it a great, fun event. Further details may be found in the RHSV Newsletter and in the What’s On section of the website.
Annual Subscription
  • Single Membership – $30.00
  • Family Membership – $35.00


Membership Form

  • Download the RHSV Membership Form. For further information contact the RHSV Insurance Officer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone – 03 5367 6363.  ***


