Open: All year - Buses and large groups welcome by appointment.
50 West Gateway
Contact: Judy on 03 5282 4644
0421 428 448
Send an Email

Cost: Entry See the website for details. 

Conditions: Coach parking, wheelchair/walker friendly access. Morning/Afternoon teas available or BYO picnic.

: Located only 45 minutes from Melbourne. You will find this 5 acre garden set in the picturesque countryside of Lara. Yarrabee encompasses a wide range of habitats and plants spread around the spacious, but easily-travelled,  grounds. There are three ponds, a waterfall and a dam. Take a gentle stroll past a large range of Australian  native and other drought tolerant plants. Redeveloped over the past few years there is now a huge range of   plants including Qld bottle trees, Grevillea’s, Banksias, Eremophilias, Correas, Geraniums, Salvias,   Aloes, Crepe Myrtles and many more. It also features many bulbs which flower throughout the year. You can discover over 600 river she-oak trees, 300 bottlebrushes, the Rose garden, raised Vegie   beds and a covered Orchard which comprises of 100+ strawberry and 30 loganberry /raspberry plants, 38 fruit trees, which provide an abundance of produce and preserves. Several seats throughout the garden provide an ideal setting to sit and relax and listen to the bird life.
